Mar Thoma Church in Oman is entering into its 50th Year, in the blessed country Sultanate of Oman. It’s a gratifying journey travelled over the past five decades. The Parish thank the Good Lord for sustaining the parish for the past 49 years in this beautiful land.
The Parish will always be grateful to Late His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said for the freedom of worship to the Christian Community, and remembers humbly his Kindness for granting an audience to the Late His Grace The Most Rev. Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan in the year 1973 which the Parish revere as a great honor to the Mar Thoma Syrian Church.
The Parish express its sincere Gratitude to His Majesty Sultan Haitham Bin Tariq & his Government for the privileges and the facilities granted to the Parish, as well as his unrelenting benevolence to the Indian Community in the Sultanate of Oman.
The idea of forming a Mar Thoma Prayer Group was first conceived in February 1972, during the visit of the Late His Lordship The Rt. Rev.Thomas Mar Athanasius Suffragan Metropolitan. His Lordship made arrangements to conduct a Mar Thoma worship service in Muscat every three months and accordingly, deputed the then Dubai Vicar, Late Rev. M.M. Thomas to serve the prayer group and later appointed him as the first non-resident Vicar. The prayer group was formally established on 22 September 1972 with 17 members which was elevated as a parish on 6 March 1975.
The Parish acknowledge the kind support of the Protestant Church in Oman during the formative years of the parish, particularly in making their church available for the Parish’s services and related activities.
Late Rev. Mathew Varghese served as the first Vicar of the Parish from 1975 to 1977. Achen was instrumental in constructing the first parsonage and in laying a strong foundation for the Parish on which his successors were able to build further, in taking the parish to new heights. During the period from 1978 to 2021, the Parish have been blessed by the services of 25 distinguished Achens & deeply indebted to the past and present Vicars whose selfless services have gone a long way in attaining the phenomenal growth of the parish. The Parish convey its deepest appreciation to the Present Vicar, Rev. Sajan Varghese and Assistant Vicar, Rev. Binu Thomas for their tireless work, dedication, determination and devotion.
Presently Mar Thomas Church is having four parishes in Oman, namely, the Mar Thoma Church in Oman, the St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church Ghala, the Salalah Mar Thoma Church and the St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church Sohar and have a total of five priests. As the mother parish, Mar Thoma Church in Oman continue to extend wholehearted support to the sister parishes.
A major milestone in the history of the parish is the construction of the St. Thomas Church jointly with the Mar Gregorios Orthodox Maha Edavaka. The Church has a seating capacity of 850 and stands tall as a beacon of ecumenism. The Church was consecrated on 10 February 2000 by the Late His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews II and the Late His Grace The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan.
The Parsonage constructed in the year 1976, was upgraded several times to meet the requirements of the parish as it grew in size. The Parish has now embarked on a project to extend the present parsonage with a view to create more room for the Sunday School Students, a parsonage for the Assistant Vicar and other office facilities.
The Parish is divided into 12 prayer groups in the Muscat region and 1 prayer group each at Ibra, Nizwa & Sur that meet every month as area prayer meetings, and also have the Parish Organizations Edavaka mission, Sevika Sangham, Yuvajana Sakhyam, Sunday School, Development Department, Church Choir, and the Senior Citizens Fellowship which meet regularly.
The Parish have always made a sincere effort to be of assistance to the communities in Oman and India and hope to continue the same. Parish has always responded to the needy and marginalized in the society by providing the required help. In the Golden Jubilee year also Parish will be associating to address some social causes in Oman and India.
The Parish is grateful to the Mar Thoma Metropolitan His Grace The Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan and Present Diocesan Episcopa, His Lordship The Rt. Rev.Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilos Suffragan Metropolitan, for their judicious guidance and support. Also remember the Services of all the Bishops who served as Diosecan Episcopa in the past, and all other Respected Bishops of the Mar Thoma Church for their timely guidance and prayers.
The Parish is filled with gratitude towards all the laymen who served the parish sincerely and selflessly since the beginning of the parish. They have illuminated the Parish’s paths and hearts with compassion, faith in the Lord, faith in the community and instilled in the Parish members steadfast hope.
The Parish, once again, thank all those who have been part of the blessed journey of the Mar Thoma Church in Oman & requests prayers of all Members, Ex Members and Well Wishers for the Parish as it enter into its Golden Jubilee Year.
The caring palms resembles that our Parish is always in the safe hands of the Almighty God & he has taken care of us in all these years.
Camels from the ancient time are means of transport especially in desert.
The monuments of Oman & India shows the heritage of both countries.
50 resembles the 50 years.
Mar Thoma Logo identity as lighted to lighten this world.
Name of event :Health Talk
Date :November
Details :Health Talk will be conducted by Senior Citizens Forum in October
Name of event :Koinonia 2024
Date :November
Details :Parish Annual Get-Together "Koinonia 2024" Curtain Raiser Program and Mega Program will be held on 15th November and 29th November 2024, respectively.
Name of event :Xmas Carol
Date :December
Details :Parish Choir is planning to have a 50 selected members choir to be participating in the Parish X Mas carol including members from all the organizations of the Parish in December.
Name of event :Edavaka Mission Convention
Date :December
Details :Parish Edavaka Mission is planning to have a convention that will be held in December.
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